Georgia College Outdoor Education
Program Goals
For my senior exit exam, I wrote six personal narratives to analyze my progress in reaching the program outcomes. I have artifacts that reinforce the specific examples I mention throughout each narrative. The buttons on the left side will open a new tab for the narrative, and the supporting artifacts are explained underneath each narrative with a link to the artifact.
Low Challenge Course Program - A program that I designed incorporating and sequencing low challenge course elements.
Challenge Course Rescue - A description of my rescue time on the high challenge course. Rock Climbing Lesson Plans - Two of the lesson plans I developed in the Instructional Strategies of Rock Climbing course: Fall Factors and Natural Anchors. |
Program Goal 1: Graduates are technically proficient in a variety of outdoor activities.
High Achievers Program Design - One of the programs that I helped design for the High Achievers program.
High Achievers Facilitator Feedback - Feedback that I received after a semester of weekly programs with a group from the local high school. VP Council Facilitator Feedback - Feedback that I received on my leadership during this low and high challenge course program. OLS Lesson Plan: Water Treatment - A lesson plan I developed for the Outdoor Living Skills course on water treatment in the back country. |
Program Goal 2: Graduates are prepared to integrate experiential education theory and philosophy in outdoor education programs.
Spring Break Facilitator Feedback - Feedback I received for my leadership and risk management on the Outdoor Center's Spring Break trip.
Principles of Field Leadership Reflection - A reflection of my leadership during the thirteen day backpacking trip. Wilderness First Aid Certification - A copy of WFA card. |
Program Goal 3: Graduates are prepared to manage actual and perceived risk according to industry standards and preferred practice
Principles of Field Leadership Reflection - A reflection of my leadership during the thirteen day backpacking trip.
Principles of Field Leadership Route Plan - A detailed outline of the route plan my partner and I developed prior to the expedition. 4H National Congress Reflection - A reflection of my leadership for the 4H National Congress. |
Program Goal 4: Graduates are prepared to provide leadership for a range of client groups and program outcomes.
Environmental Philosophy - An analysis of how I believe Environmental Education is beneficial.
Local Flora and Fauna Lesson Plan - A lesson plan that I prepared to teach my peers about local flora and fauna of the Big South National River and Recreation Area. Compost Tour - A lesson plan that I created for an interpretive tour of the compost site at Georgia College. |
Program Goal 5: Graduates are prepared to assume civic and environmental responsibilities associated with the practice of outdoor education.
Wilderness First Responder Certification - A copy of my WFR certification card.
Personal Theories of Change - An analysis of multiple theories of change, and a description of my own theory of how people change. Professional Vision - A professional plan for myself including self reflection and goals I am working towards. |
Program Goal 6: Graduates are prepared to advocate for the profession.